Welcome to the family!
Given below are contact details for the clergy and various office holders for the Ashbourne group of churches and individual parishes.
Parish Office St Oswald’s Church Hall, School Lane, DE6 IAN
Parish Secretary Claire Critchlow 01335 343052 ashbournechurch@gmail.com
Retired (but very active!) Clergy
- Rev’d Maggie Rode Tel. 01335 664159 revmaggier@gmail.com
- Rev’d Nigel Rode Tel 01335 664159 revnigelr@gmail.com
- Lynda Herbert lynda.herbert7@icloud.com
Agricultural Chaplain: Alan Griggs Tel 07710 088972 a.griggs@ruralactionderbyshire.org.uk
Ashbourne Churches Together (ACT) Chair:
ACE Youth Worker Trust admin@aceyouth.org.uk
St Oswald’s Church, Ashbourne
Churchwardens |
Paul Elliott, Anne Ford |
paulelliott58@outlook.com anneford1958@gmail.com |
Safeguarding |
Celia Dickinson |
Electoral Roll |
Linda Barbour |
linbarb6@gmail.com |
PCC Secretary |
Janet Wright |
je96wright@btinternet.com |
Minutes Sec |
Susan Damesin |
Treasurer |
Andrew Burns |
ajburns@live.co.uk |
Director of Music |
Michael Halls |
mvaehalls@gmail.com |
Church Hall Bookings |
Claire Critchlow |
01335 343052 |
ashbournechurch@gmail.com |
Mothers’ Union |
Nancy Bell |
nancyatthebeach@gmx.co.uk |
Walking Group |
Paul & Gill Elliott |
paulgillelliott@outlook.com |
Tower Captain |
Gill Elliott |
07801199152 |
st.oswalds.bellringers@outlook.com |
Bell ringing |
Jackie Burns |
Book Shop |
Sarah Morris |
allerwash1@gmail.com |
Flowers Sec |
Elizabeth Bridges |
Holy Trinity Church, Clifton
Churchwarden |
Tina Harbinson |
charbinson157@gmail.com |
PCC Secretary |
Jackie Nicholson |
arnandjn@hotmail.com |
Magazine Co-ordinator |
Tina Harbinson |
Hall Bookings |
Caretaker |
Stuart Smith |
St John’s Church, Ashbourne
Churchwarden |
Julie Hughes (Jules) |
jules.gjcl@btinternet.com |
Treasurer |
Glenn Hughes |
jules.gjcl@btinternet.com |
Church Bookings |
Monica Cope |
Chair of the Trustees |
Nick Bishop |
nbishop606@gmail.com |
St Mary’s Church, Mappleton
Churchwarden |
Paul Elliott Anne Ford |
paulelliott58@outlook.com anneford1958@gmail.com |
PCC Secretary |
Vacancy |
Electoral Roll |
Vacancy |
Treasurer |
Vacancy |
St Mary and St Barlok, Norbury and Roston
Churchwarden |
Vacancy |
Treasurer |
Michelle Holder |
PCC Secretary |
Christine Coxon |
Flyer Organiser |
Duncan Sadler |
St Peter’s Church, Snelston
Churchwarden |
LJ Stanton |
Treasurer |
Tammy Shirley |
Electoral Roll |
Tammy Shirley |
PCC Secretary |
Jane Radcliffe |
Magazine Co-ordinator |
James Hollingsworth |